Cheap Online OKIDATA ML320 Turbo 9pin Dot Matrix 120V 50/60Hz 240 dpi x 216 dpi 300 cps Parallel USB
If you are looking for a high-quality product without causing a lot of damage to your wallet, The OKIDATA ML320 Turbo 9pin Dot Matrix 120V 50/60Hz 240 dpi x 216 dpi 300 cps Parallel USB is one that you should have. The OKIDATA ML320 Turbo 9pin Dot Matrix 120V 50/60Hz 240 dpi x 216 dpi 300 cps Parallel USB is a high quality product that everyone can invest on. People who have bought and used this product gave it great reviews and impressive ratings. They are also happy that it’s made from high quality materials.
Please read product description before you are sure to decide to buy this product or click here for more details.
- System Requirements / OS Required: Microsoft Windows XP / 2000 / 98 / 95 / 3.x / NT 4.0, MS-DOS, Novell NDS / NDPS / NLSP, IPX / SPX protocol, UNIX, HP JetAdmin / Web JetAdmin compatible.
- Printer Type Personal; Printer Technology Dot-matrix; Printer Interface USB; Parallel.
- Printer Form Factor Desktop; Printer Output Monochrome; Printer / Max Resolution ( B&W ) 240 dpi x 216 dpi.
- Printer Language Simulation EPSON FX; Okidata Microline; IBM Proprinter III; Printer / Media Type Labels; Envelopes; Card Stock; Cut sheets; Continuous forms.
- Header / Model Microline 320 Turbo; Features Printhead: 9 pin; 80 Columns; Printer Speed 435 cps(Super Draft), 390 cps(fast draft), 300 cps(Utility), 75 cps(near letter).
This 9-pin impact printer is blazing new trails in productivity. Engineered for dedicated printing in the most demanding warehouse and point-of-sale applications, the ML320/321 Turbo can easily run twice as long as most printers in its class! It can simplify any job on virtually any stock, and it's economical enough to put wherever you need data on the spot. The ML320/321 Turbo puts the "work" in workstations for wholesale or retail sales counters, even for service or manufacturing environments. Its relentless performance comes from the rugged printhead design that keeps your print images sharp for a 200-million character life. A lighter, stronger, more efficient motor reduces friction, heat build-up and wear. The long-lasting rack and pinion drive system ensures print quality longer than belt or cable systems. Plus, an impact-resistant chassis protects the entire mechanism, even in the harshest environments. For precisely formed output, a patented optical sensor accurately positions the printhead on the page, first time and every time. And the auto-tear feature accurately positions continuous forms for a clean tear at the perforation - eliminating wasted forms. This reliable, flexible 9-pin impact printer can meet your needs today and in the future.
Cheap OKIDATA ML320 Turbo 9pin Dot Matrix 120V 50/60Hz 240 dpi x 216 dpi 300 cps Parallel USB
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