Special Offer Bixolon SRP-275IIC Impact Receipt Printer with Parallel Ethernet Interface, 5.1 lps Print Speed, 144 dpi Print Resolution, 2-1/2" Print Width, 24 VDC, Black
With so many great products on the market Bixolon SRP-275IIC Impact Receipt Printer with Parallel Ethernet Interface, 5.1 lps Print Speed, 144 dpi Print Resolution, 2-1/2" Print Width, 24 VDC, Black is one that you should buy. The Bixolon SRP-275IIC Impact Receipt Printer with Parallel Ethernet Interface, 5.1 lps Print Speed, 144 dpi Print Resolution, 2-1/2" Print Width, 24 VDC, Black is a popular product that everyone can invest on. Majority of the customers who have purchased and used this product are very happy with its overall performance. With its budget-friendly price and stunning features, this is definitely a great buy for people who are looking a high quality product that their budget can afford.
Read product description below before you decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- Impact printer can be used to print receipts, barcode labels, or other media up to 63.5 mm (2.5") wide
- Impact and dot-matrix printers are suitable for printing on multi-part paper, such as receipts with customer and merchant copies
- Maximum print speed of 5.1 lines per second at 144 dpi for print clarity; prints in black and red
- Parallel and Ethernet ports provide connectivity
- Measures 157 x 160 x 239 mm (H x W x D); weighs 2,500 g
The Bixolon SRP-275IIC impact receipt printer comes equipped with parallel and Ethernet ports, prints 5.1 lines per second in black and red at 144 dpi, and can be used to print receipts, barcode labels, or other media up to 63.5 mm (2.5") wide. Impact and dot-matrix printers are suitable for printing on multi-part paper (for instance, receipts with a customer copy and a merchant copy). The SRP-275IIC prints in a bidirectional pattern for speed, and it has a maximum print speed of 5.1 lines per second at 144 dpi (dots per inch) for print clarity. Two-color printing, in black and red, can be used to help draw attention to a message or special offer on the receipt. A parallel port allows connectivity to a computer or other devices (cable sold separately). The Ethernet port enables the printer to be connected to a wired computer network (Ethernet cord sold separately). A paper roll cover can be opened to load media. An auto-cutter can be used to automatically cut the receipt. The printer weighs 2,500 g and measures 157 x 160 x 239 mm (H x W x D). (H is height, the vertical distance from the lowest to highest point; W is width, the horizontal distance from left to right; D is depth, the horizontal distance from front to back.) This printer accepts a roll of receipt paper measuring 76 mm wide and up to 83 mm in diameter. It is suitable for use with a wall mount (sold separately). For a complete set of product specifications, please see the manufacturer's brochure.
Receipt printers can be used to print receipts, labels, tags, and other similarly sized media at point of sale (POS) locations. Direct thermal receipt printers and thermal transfer receipt printers use heat instead of ink to print on coated thermal media. Impact and dot-matrix printers are suitable for printing on multi-part paper, such as receipts with customer and merchant copies. Some POS receipt printers can print in two colors to help draw attention to particular words or messages on the receipt. A parallel, serial, or USB port allows a receipt printer to be connected to a computer. An Ethernet port or wireless capabilities may enable it to be connected to a computer network. Receipt printers can be used at retail checkout counters and other points of sale.
Bixolon manufactures point-of-sale (POS) printers, label printers, mobile printers, peripherals, and accessories. The company, founded in 2002, is headquartered in Seongnam, South Korea.
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