Deals For OKIDATA microline ml420n 9pin 570cps 128kb 120v par/usb network ready

Currently there are so many quality products on the market, The OKIDATA microline ml420n 9pin 570cps 128kb 120v par/usb network ready is our recommendation for you. The OKIDATA microline ml420n 9pin 570cps 128kb 120v par/usb network ready is a popular and highest rated product in the market. Most people who have purchased and used this product are very impressed with its overall performance. Most of them noted how happy they are that they have finally found the right product..

Read product description below before you decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.

  • New - Retail
  • 1-Year Warranty
  • Okidata 62418703
  • OKIDATA microline ml420n 9pin 570cps 128kb 120v par/usb network ready

Technical Information:

Product DescriptionOKI Microline 420n - printer - B/W - dot-matrix
Printer TypePersonal printer - dot-matrix - 9 pin - monochrome
Dimensions (WxDxH)15.7 in x 13.6 in x 6 in
Weight16.3 lbs
Max Media Size (Standard)Roll (10 in)
Max Media Size (Custom)10 in
Print SpeedUp to 570 char/sec - max speed ¦ Up to 510 char/sec - draft ¦ Up to 380 char/sec - normal ¦ Up to 95 char/sec - near letter
Max Resolution ( B&W )240 dpi x 216 dpi
InterfaceParallel, USB, Ethernet 10/100Base-TX
RAM Installed ( Max )128 KB
Language SimulationEPSON FX, Okidata Microline, IBM ProPrinter
Media TypeEnvelopes, labels, plain paper, continuous forms, cards
Monthly Duty Cycle24000 pages
NetworkingPrint server - Ethernet, Fast Ethernet - internal
PowerAC 120 V
System RequirementsMicrosoft DOS, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Microsoft Windows 3.x/95/98, Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP
Environmental StandardsEPA Energy Star

 OKIDATA microline ml420n 9pin 570cps 128kb 120v par/usb network ready

Best Deals OKIDATA microline ml420n 9pin 570cps 128kb 120v par/usb network ready

With so many deals out there, finding the best one for you can be a confusing. Luckily we have done some research for you and reviewed a number of sites that are a few of the best out there. If you would like to get this product at cheap prices, please follow the link above and get special offers available.


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