Get Special Offer For Okidata Microline 420 Printer B/W Dot-Matrix 240 X 216 Dpi 9 Pin 380 Cps Parallel 230 V
With so many great products on the market Okidata Microline 420 Printer B/W Dot-Matrix 240 X 216 Dpi 9 Pin 380 Cps Parallel 230 V is one that we recommend for you. The Okidata Microline 420 Printer B/W Dot-Matrix 240 X 216 Dpi 9 Pin 380 Cps Parallel 230 V is a popular and highest rated product in the market. A lot of customers have a blast using this product. Most of them noted how happy they are that they have finally found the right product..
Read product description below before you decide to purchase this product or click here for more details.
- System Requirements / OS Required Microsoft Windows XP / 2000 / 98 / 95 / 3.x / NT 4.0, MS-DOS.
- Printer Type Personal; Printer Technology Dot-matrix; Printer Interface Parallel.
- Printer Form Factor Desktop; Printer Speed 570 cps(Super Draft), 510 cps(Fast Draft), 380 cps(Utility), 95 cps(Near Letter).
- Printer Output Monochrome; Printer / Max Resolution ( B&W ) 240 x 216 dpi.
- Printer Language Simulation EPSON FX; IBM ProPrinter; Okidata Microline; Duty Cycle 24000 pages per month.
The OKI MICROLINE 420 9-pin printer and its wide-carriage counterpart ML421 are a quantum leap forward in impact printer performance. Engineered for dedicated forms printing in the most demanding point-of-sale, automation and utility environments, ML420/421 printers are right at home in applications such as retail sales counters, medical facilities, automotive rental and repair shops, airline counters, financial departments and manufacturing sites. Their print speed and versatile paper handling make them ideal for the office, too. The ML420/421 sport features that give them a strong edge over their predecessors as well as the competition. 3-piece top cover provides easy access and unsurpassed break resistance. An internal cooling fan provides continuous airflow for the printhead - maximizing throughput productivity for long, unattended print jobs. Additional feed rollers provide precise forms handling and printed-character placement accuracy. The ML420/421 have a zero-tear feature that accurately positions continuous forms for a clean tear at the perforation, which eliminates wasted stock. You also get perfect results with single sheets, card stock, labels and envelopes, too. All without jams or smears. The OKI ML420/421 deliver the kind of productivity usually reserved for printers many times the price - starting with a super-fast print speed of 570 characters-per-second (in SuperSpeed Draft mode). Then there's the rugged printhead - with its 200-million character life, powerful samarium cobalt magnets and stored-energy pins - delivering precise, sharp characters all the way through to the last page of a 6-part form. And the patented OKI closed-loop feedback system that assures character placement accuracy... The OKI ML420/421: Just turn 'em on and turn 'em loose.
Best Price Okidata Microline 420 Printer B/W Dot-Matrix 240 X 216 Dpi 9 Pin 380 Cps Parallel 230 V
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